• Keep frozen vegetables & potatoes in the freezer at -18˚C.
  • At the supermarket, sensitive foodstuffs must always be placed last in the trolley, right before proceeding to the till. During transport, place it at the coolest area of the car, especially in the summer. Right after purchase, place it immediately in the refrigerator/ freezer.
  • Do not re-freeze vegetables & potatoes after defrosting them
  • Always wash your hands before and immediately after handling foodstuffs.
  • Use separate cutting surfaces for meats, poultry, fish and vegetables.
  • Frozen vegetables are cooked in the same manner as fresh ones, however, cooking time varies, depending on the preparation method.
  • For the frozen potatoes follow the instructions on the packaging. Many products cab be cooked directly from the freezer and others not.
  • Check the products' label for allergens presence.
  • Handle with care products with presence of allergens in order to avoid any cross contamination of other products, pots, surfaces and equipment.